- Marine LCpl Gizella Meza is now studying business administration at Bakersfield College and volunteering with the BC Veterans Club. She observed that there were a lot of new booths this year that, “Let me know what is available.”
- Navy Jeff Hurlbert PO3 was hopeful on Thursday and working on “Learning how to receive.” An event tent leader, he was glad for “Another chance to get it right and do more for others.”
- Marine Cpl Art Barber, ret., at the Veterans Stand Down held at Stramler Park in Bakersfield on Thursday, October 9th, 2014. Cpl Barber enjoys reuniting with his brothers and sisters at the event that he likens to a, “Big ‘ol picnic where no one gets mad,” and he has a chance to visit with friends of over 30 years.
- Marine GySgt Issac Preston, Reserves, was attending for the first time. He remarked that there were “A lot of smiling faces.”
- Navy SA Thomas Clifton was “A little emotional this morning.” The 14th concussion of his life found him homeless in Bakersfield after ‘couch-surfing’ in San Francisco while working as an actor. The California Veterans Assistance Foundation helped “Give me my life back.” Thomas now has a home and is receiving training and education so that he can rejoin the workforce now that his medical problems have been resolved.