travel – Belize

Photos from two of my trips to the Stann Creek and Toldeo Districts of Belize with the Self-Development of People Committee.

During a week long trip we met with 11 groups, held one community workshop, attended a community meeting and had two in-depth cultural learning sessions and drove in a van for over 500 miles through the southern districts of Belize.


Deb and I took a Valentine’s Day retreat with church and we mysteriously found ourselves in Yosemite Valley for a few days. Just a few of the images I made on the trip, I still have yet to look at or edit the video I shot.

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Dexter firefighters work to contain a fully engulfed abandoned house along Route 12E just outside Limmerick in the town of Brownville late Sunday night. Dexter, Brownville, Chaumont, Glen Park and Pamelia? fire departments responded to the scene. A downed electrical line from the house, lying across Route 12E, hampered fire fighting efforts. - The Watertown Daily Times

Dexter firefighters work to contain a fully engulfed abandoned house along Route 12E just outside Limmerick in the town of Brownville late Sunday night. Dexter, Brownville, Chaumont, Glen Park and Pamelia? fire departments responded to the scene. A downed electrical line from the house, lying across Route 12E, hampered fire fighting efforts.
– The Watertown Daily Times